Refuge is a safe place.

REFUGE RECOVERY is a Buddhist-oriented, non-theistic recovery program that does not ask anyone to believe anything, only to trust the process and do the hard work of recovery. Recovery is possible, and this program provides a systematic approach to treating and recovering from all forms of addiction. When sincerely practiced, the program can ensure a full recovery from addiction and a life-long sense of well-being.

Refuge Recovery meetings offer recovery from all forms of addiction, including substances, food, sex, technology, gambling, relationships, spending, and more. The Sangha relaxation room is available for 30 minutes following the meeting to connect with others on the path of Recovery.

Free metered parking is available on weekdays after 5pm on Purchase Street and Spring Street. Parking is also available across the street from Sangha NB in the Zeiterion Parking Garage (entrance/exit on Acushnet Avenue)

This program is offered for free and is supported by participant donations. Give what you can.  No one will be turned away for lack of resources.

Refuge Recovery Book

The book that serves our recovery program includes detailed guidance on how to recover using the Buddhist practice of The Four Truths and Eightfold Path of Refuge Recovery, written investigations that explore the causes and conditions of our addictions, daily meditation practices, personal stories of recovery, advice and inspiration for finding or creating community, and a format for Refuge Recovery meetings. The book was written by the founder of Refuge Recovery, Noah Levine. In 2020, Noah donated the copyrights, trademarks and proceeds to our non-profit service organization, Refuge Recovery World Services.

The Refuge Recovery Books are available in house to borrow or to purchase your own copy for $15.